Ladies Join Us for IF:Gathering 2021!

Come to a gathering of like minded Christian women like you on Friday, March 5th and Saturday,
March 6th. Cost is $20 and we supply Friday dinner, Saturday light breakfast and lunch!
For those wanting to attend in person: 
For those wanting to attend online:
Group: IF:Flowery Branch
Code: fb6152

4/1 WED Bible Study Cancelled

due to technical difficulties; we expect to be Live Stream for Sunday’s 11am Service!

Free Eggs Available

Thanks to Ron Peters we will have eggs available in the fellowship hall. If anyone needs to restock, we will be handing these out on a first come first serve basis.

WMU Yard Sale Raised $580 For Missions!

God is good and always makes a way! Even the rain couldn’t keep people away from a good deal! Thanks again to everyone that made a donation and gave of their time to make this yard sale a success! All the items that did not get sold will either be donated to our local veterans organization or held for future yard sales.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

The 2019 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering continues! Help us meet our church goal of $1500 and light the candles in the sanctuary. Every penny goes to the North American Missionaries (see for more info). Pray for the missionaries!